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I was interviewed by MysticMag to talk about art therapy, yoga, and all things B3.
Accessible Affirmations
Creating positive affirmations does not have to be daunting. You can start improving your confidence with simple statements and small reminders now.
Stop “Shoulding” on Yourself
When we constantly tell ourselves what we are doing is wrong and we should do something else, we add guilt and shame to simple tasks and activities that could otherwise be neutral or even fun. Learn what to try instead of “shoulding” on yourself.
Self-Care Made Simple
Self-care does not have to be difficult or over the top. Self-care is done in the everyday and is part of healthy wellbeing.
Benefits of Play
Play is not just for the kids. Play is beneficial to adults and regular play can enhance well-being and skills to the adult.
Using Values to Set Goals & Limits
Values are at the core of who we are and what we believe in. Knowing your values can help you set realistic and meaningful goals, as well as help you set useful and supportive boundaries.
Values to Live By
Values are at the core of who we are. If we live life in accordance to our values, we welcome more happiness into our life. Learn more about your own values in this interactive article.
Dress for Success
Are you spending a lot of time at home and feeling in a rut? Shaking up your wardrobe and cultivating your personal style can increase motivation, energy, and confidence.
Tis the Season for Setting Boundaries
Need help setting boundaries for the holidays? Here are some common questions with sample answers to use when confronted with challenging requests.
The Productivity Myth
Examine and challenge the ways we view productivity by exploring the true nature of productivity.
Think Like a Lion
Learn how you can improve your well-being by getting back to natural cycles of rest and work.